Unemployed (Forced to) Become Bank of America Customers
I’ve worked hard (as many others have) to eliminate credit cards, stay away from large fee charging banks, and generally...
Mourning Loss of our Public School Programs
I was struck by the power of unintended consequences while watching a show about the science of dyslexia. What hit...
How to Map a SharePoint Drive on Windows 7
For ease of use, it helps to be able to treat a SharePoint document library as a file folder on...
Stupid Project Tricks #2010
I’ve been working with Office and Project for a while now, and one of the things I love about the...
Mac OS X Lion (Look Ma, No DVD)
I updated to OS X Lion a couple of days ago, and for the most part it was a smooth...
Project Vision
One of the key success factors for any project is the “vision statement“, which is the Executive Sponsor‘s opportunity to...
Practical Planning
Tonight’s the night we make history … Image via Wikipedia This last weekend, a group of us from the San...
Microsoft tries to Think Different
I got an email from Microsoft today (Office Insider) that included an article about how to add a calendar to...
Project Managing my Career
I was talking to my friend George Ross the other day about the job search that we both unexpectedly find...
Where did my space go ?
The other day I got a notification from the Plesk control panel for Carticipate telling me that the user account...