A project manager has to be able to be in the moment and calmly react to any situation in order...
Using TDD (Test Driven Development)
If you read my previous post (WordPress Recovery), you know I’ve been writing some code to recover my old posts....
WordPress Recovery
Well, I have the basics of my blog recovered now, so almost all of my posts going back several years...
How to Get a Google Voice Number for Your Own Email Address
If you want to use some Google services (like Google Voice), and have them associated with your own email address,...
Creating a New App (step 1)
I decided I’d walk through creating a new app to replace one I’ve used for years on my iPhone that...
Communication Lessons from Mom
I grew up in a fairly large family: three boys, a girl and Mom and Dad. We had a gazillion...
JPA and Maven and multiple persistence units
I needed to convert an existing Netbeans build to use Maven in order to stabilize the code and support Test...
Governance Change (A Fable)
nce upon a time, there was a kingdom of people who were busy managing projects named Pee-Em-Eye Ess-Eff-BeeA Sea. They...
Who is Policy Governance®
The court room quieted as Paulie C. Governance took the stand. He was sworn in on a stack of PMBOK‘s...
Using Firebug and jQuerify to Filter a Page
I love Firebug, and I’m getting so I understand jQuery pretty well. I often drop into the console and type...